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Best sarees for pelli chupulu
The best sarees for Pelli Choopulu

In Indian marriages, the Pelli Choopulu, an auspicious pre-wedding rite, signifies the beginning of the union of two souls and their families. It's a day of dreams, hope, and the…

Spiritual, Mental & Beauty tips for bride-to-be

As you excitedly prepare for your wedding, we have got some tips for you that will help you on physical, mental and spiritual levels, also with a little emphasis on…

Insider Tips for Buying, Maintaining, and Styling Your Banarasi Sarees

One of the most difficult aspects of Indian fashion is maintaining any kind of cloth in good condition. There is a dazzling mother lode of materials and sensitive weaving styles…

How to Identify Pure Banaras Silk Saree

Since the Mughal era, Banarasi sarees have been a wellspring of pride and a basic part of the rich Indian conventional culture. However, this market has not received its due…

Difference between Kanjivaram Saree and Banarasi Saree

The Kanchipuram saree from Tamil Nadu and the Banarasi saree from Uttar Pradesh are two magnificent saree variations that are well-known for their long-standing history, cultural significance, and fine craftsmanship…